Hi, William I want to thank you for sending your product to me promptly. I have never invested before or know what I am doing, that is why I purchased your product.


Thank you for the pick. In at .0089 out at .0119

Total Nightmare - Down $120.00

IM not real happy at this moment. This ticker for DuTV hasnt changed in a half hr, so i cant even see what to try to sell at. This is a complete night mare, im down on this for $120.

Just Joined

Thank you sir, I'm on board. Looking forward to building up my small stack $$.

Be cautious with penny picks

Hell Will,
Nice call today on FEEC as I watched it go from the .11s to over .13 for a quick 15% gain in like 20 minutes. I didn't play it and will sit the first few plays out just to watch your picks and get a feel of how your strategy works. One thing I was still confused about is you want to exit FEEC at .16 which it looks like it may hit it by tomorrow or next week, but you say the sell rec is at .06, if you bought in at the .11s wouldn't it make sense to cut losses in the .10s rather than hold till .06 and take over a 40% loss? Maybe I am reading something wrong, but just curious.

Super helpful content I've learned a lot.

Hi Will, Your emails have been so helpful. I'm a novice investor and I really have learned a lot so far from your newsletters. Where do we stand with $FEEC$

I'm excited

Wow thanks a lot man, I will join you Friday morning. My word.
Ive been doing affiliate marketing for years with no real success as yet. My gut tells me this may be my forte. Hoping to be your most successful student and working along side you.

I'm In

Just paid on Paypal. Let me know where do I go for the class!

Value For The $$$

Hey Will. I am really enjoying your service. You have been doing a good job…………………..

Reevaluating my Subscription

Hey Will - so far this has been a rather disappointing experience. I lost on MAXE, I lost on SFMI, I lost on IDVC. Got in on FNMA @2.55 suggesred entry and still taking a beating on this. Is this still a hold? There was no real opportunity to enter NTEK @ the suggested entry price so my order was never filled. If you have big winners, somehow I only seems to be getting in on the losers.
Very disconcerting as I had a lot of hope faith and excitement when I was joining your newsletter.
Thank you

MDIN Over 50% Gains

Yes, I received that email and verry happy with your pickI was a little concerned about the Not receiving traffic due to not being able to an account. No worries, we are good to go.

Joining GPSM was the best move I made!

Thanks for getting back with me so fast!! I did get in on this when it was at .0015.. Think I’m going to let it ride for a while & see what happens. FYI one of the best things I ever did was subscribe to your newsletter.. Thanks for all that you do!!

Thinking About Joining

Hi Will,
I am potentially interested in becoming a subscriber. However, I wanted to make certain since I have other subscriptions that if I'm not pleased with your service what is your cancellation policy? Please advise. Thanks.

Up Only $60.00

Mr. Bell I need some I know you get a ton of emails from a lot people probably with the same issue i need help to become a better trader....i have a lot riding on this. I just need some insight....today first day trading...i only made S60 profit..thats sucks....there gotta be more than this to day trading.

Thank You

thank you Mr. Bell for persistent fortitude.

Fast Customer Service

Thanks for the reply. I see the spike. I am currently using etrade.

Gotta Good Feeling

Hello William
This has been my first day as a member to your GPSM...
I did notice that when the morning e-mail came...there were no entry or exit recommendations..as mentioned in your video's...Then i thought, maybe its because they were not new stocks to invest in..rather being existing ones already in play...please clarify for me..
I am working on getting the money together to deposit into my scottrade acct.."which by the way i opened it up today..I have a friend that works there..So the broker acct is set..will fund it as soon as i am able..listening to your wise advice..to not ever use bill money to invest...
Meanwhile..I will keep watching your video's...much to listen to.much to learn...I am mentally ready...for your asking me ..to listen..to trust..to do as asked when you share info as you do..."i can relate to that scenario..for i have employee's..and if only they would listen.and do as i say..not a version of it..smile...
My patience will be intact...and my forward motion will be a crawl....and eventually a very assured steady walk forward..with a few obstacle from time to time...just teaches one to pick up your feet higher next time..
I feel very good about you...and your heart is for sure in what you do..

great stock selection - superior investment knowledge

William thanx great job!

Learning Much

Hey Will,
I hope all is well, I just wanted to say I'm very happy that I joined this group. Although I have yet to pull in a profit, I feel as though I'm learning compared to other newsletters. I was successful in buying GACR & was surprised at how quickly it jumped & I was wondering if it was still on the radar because it hasn't done much lately.
Thanks again,


Good morning Will,
I have registered for your training classes.


Hi, Will:
Appreciate your transparency. Not everyone would "take the blame" for exiting NVLX early. Hey, profit is profit! Way to go!
I wish I had jumped in on it.
Our subscribers are thrilled with us because of the amazing results that we deliver.
We design our stock trading systems to ensure maximum performance on each trade. Trading can be tough, and winning can be tougher, but you don't have to trade alone.