Please add a chatroom: I Love the service

Will is there a gpsm chat room? If so please send link. Also been watching bets your earlier alert looks like it's setting up nicely. Keep up good work thx Jeff K.

Really Helpful Newsletter

Thanks for your help. I got some BETS. I see it went a lil down but chart looks good. Just a matter of time IMO. Your being really helpful. God bless!

Smart Trading

Hi Will. Thanks for your email. I already did that. Can't wait for your next alert!

Ready to go to the next level

I was being redeployed home last week when I saw your "Superman" promotion. Since my arrival, I have not been able to locate said promotion. Have all 20 positions, @ $399, been taken?
I believe in your product and would honor the opportunity to learn from and trade with you.

Highly Recommend GPSM

Will, Another couple of EXCELLENT picks...

Good Starts!

will, im new to the family, but want to wish you and everyone a healthy and prosperous new year.

I'm joining

Yes I' am going in yes....yes....yes!!!!!

Great Investment Mind, Best Stock Picks and Recommendations

What can I say. Your picks are kick &&& !! Seriously. I have never seen these kinds of gains in a long time. I feel very fortunate! Keep busting these awesome picks out!

Up 30%

CDVI sold my 24,000 shares between 12:30 and 1:47 because of earnings tomorrow which I can't see as being good. still a solid 30%

Appreciative Customer

Great stocks Will keep 'em coming, although I didn't get into FRMC until 37.5...if it makes it to .80 I will be thrilled. These mary jane stocks are ludicrous, unbelievable gains.I guess that's what the January effect is all about...looking forward to January all year long. As always your appreciative customer and student

Big Fan of The Golden Penny Stock Millionaires Newsletter

Hi there, Big fan of The Golden Penny Stock Millionaires. Robert. G.

Great Service! Recommended

Thank you for the opportunity to witness first hand how your trading strategy works, I have been in the business for a long time and the first thing I learned is that when you think you know everything you have stopped learning and have become a know it all.

Thanks Will

Thanks for all Will!

Comming On!

Thanks William i should come on board this week. Ron W.

Excellent Advice

Excellent Advice

Not turning a profit!

mall WILL, how many final notice you gonna send , no satisfaction no charge , Bill R.

Signing up

Thanks William i will be joining soon i really appreciate all the great info

joining soon

Thank you. Always wanted to read this book :)

Thanks Tiffany

I'm joining next weekend.
Tiffany s

I already joined

I already joined GPSM

Thanks for a fast response! Jenn

Thank you for your prompt response!

Signed Up For the 1 Year Plan

I have been meaning to sign up for your service for sometime and just signed up for the one year plan. I'm looking forward to growing my account! Since the transaction was made on paypal, is there anything I need to do to activate pushnotications, text notifications, or to receive the email notifications of the stock picks?
It is my ambition to be one of the success stories which you highlight in your newsletters. I also have a big circle of investor friends here in the Silicon Valley that I plan on referring once I see success. Thanks in advance for your help and I am excited about the journey which lies ahead!
Best Regards,
Parul Gujral

New to trading... On the fence...

Hey will ! How are you doing DeShaun here, I'm seriously considering join your community, I'm new to trading and will only have about 500 bucks to start trading with, what trading platform do you recommend and will 500 bucks be enough to start trading?

This is on point: Real people behind GPSM

Wow! Will, thanks so much for the timely response. I am shocked at how quickly and thoroughly you responded to my email. I really do appreciate your attentiveness. I've been subscribed to a couple other PennyStock newsletters and found out that they are just paid promoters and I don't feel comfortable putting my money somewhere I know that they're being paid to. Money is really tight for me right now, but as soon as I have enough, I'll immediately get the GPSM Newsletter. I love the way you do business and your passion about penny stocks is infectious. I am truly passionate about trading as well and I want to study your strategy and become one of your top success stories, and I am determined to make that a reality.
Anyways, sorry for the lengthy email. I do appreciate your quick response. It's good to know there's a real person behind those emails.
Best regards,

Awesome Stock Picks. I'm Ready To Trade

Hello Will,
I appreciate your awesome stock picks and I think I'm ready to start using real money to invest. Is there more educational material that I can review? I'm interested in how to search for and identify similar stocks that you are currently choosing. Then, i want to learn the basic fundamentals to study the stocks to choose the best possibilities to buy. Your response is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Sweet $116 Profit

Sold for a $116 profit. I know not much compared to most but still good for what I invested....thank you.

Made Another $325.00 in profit

Sold ELRA for a $325.00 profit. Looking to do this again and again, with your picks, until Christmas we hit the $25,000 mark. Thank you sir.

Absoultey Brilliant

Nice call on this one Will!!

GPSM is the one of the best

Thank you for the great work u put in!!!!!!! U the best.
Our subscribers are thrilled with us because of the amazing results that we deliver.
We design our stock trading systems to ensure maximum performance on each trade. Trading can be tough, and winning can be tougher, but you don't have to trade alone.