Great Program

Your videos and books have given me great inspiration to succeed.

Well Researched Ideas

Thanks Big Will
So far just paper trading but results from your pics have been super!!!

Valuable source of information on the markets

We are all defiantly excited for the new pick! Let's rock on!

Erbb up!

Hey Will
Thank you for the ERBB pick. Got in at .0105. I think i'm holding until they roll out the first machine. John w. Erbb 800%

Up 800% !!! `1 trade

Hi Will, up also on erbb over 800%!! Thank You!!!
Don't expect big pull back, everone is waiting for release of there zaaaz machine expecting pr on that any day.Until then would think
it will hold up pretty well...Don't want to miss pr on zaaaz machine and future revenues then big spike. I think its still a hold...
Thanks Again

Up $1295!!

Hey Will. Thanks for ERBB. Have bought in and out of the stock twice with two hundred thousand share each time for $4800. The first time and then $4960. Second time. Bought in on Friday last with 50000 shares currently up $1295. Still holding. Phil. F
Sent from my iPad Phil F.

Great Trading Style

Steven here...I think your trading style is awesome,When will you open up the next trading class.Thank you very much!


Dear Sir
Thank you very much for your prompt response. I will remain a loyal subscriber for many years to come.
Is it alright to use another email address. I have a hard time with my gmail account.I'm planning to use another email exclusive
for Golden Penny Stocks
Happy Easter and may GOD BLESS YOU

Just Paid

I just paid for the membership aim glad to be part of the team.

TRTC @ $1.87 a share

HOLY COW BIG WILL !!! TRTC closes at 1.18 I think thats up 87% Joe J

Great Job Will

I lost on ELRA and Bought TRTC @ .70 and sold @ 1.30 I signed up on February 24th , I can see this being very good for me.

High Reward Trading

a couple of questions. did any emails go out today because 0 showed up on my inbox and also i sent a twitter request from phatpennystocks, please confirm my friend request on your private twitter page. AWESOME CALLS on FNMA FMCC AM

still evaluating

Hello William!
I am happy but sad at the same time. On Monday I already took profits for VDSC (based on your recommendations). But how would I have known to hold on to it without the fear of losing my money? I am not able to sit at a desk all day and look at the stock(s) and how the market is doing... so i always set my stocks to the recommended sell transactions as soon as I buy it. Your thoughts?

Solid eBooks

Thank You for the ebooks, I am also reading the Online Stock Market Investing, the 20-day guide.

Former USMC

Dear Will,
What a nice and welcome thing you did here. My hats off to you and with many thanks. As I said, you have my beliefs in you and GPSM. I am wondering you seem very acquainted with my beloved USMC, and I used to be one of the yelled at, and then some time later the yeller.....Ha! great fun. Were you in?
I am at the VA for my disabilities, one of which is a head wound that did leave me somewhat learning disabled. I really have to work on learning and retention. BUT -> this old jarhead don't quit, I mean never Mate. It may take me a wee bit longer than most, or vicsa versa. This is like learning a new language, or learning to play an instrument for me.
I do sincerely, and I hope you understand fully; how much I appreciate you and your dedication and helping hand here. It is a rare Man that rests easy on his bed because he thought of others before himself, or by offering himself to others in life's quest.
So Tally Ho and someday I will meet you and will be happy to be a spokes person for you Free. I say this because it will happen.
God Bless you and yours Will!

Signing Up Today

Morning Will,
Thanks for the alert.. I just got back from working in Australia, so I haven't been watching the stock market much, so this is a nice Friday morning gift.. I'm going to sign-up for your service today..

New Student Member

Well,here i am..as green and new at this as anyone could possible be...I have been seeking ways to make money..only to experience failure...failure from the one's claiming to be the one..sad actually of the betrayl ---that exist in todays world...
I need to learn how to make money in penny stocks..for its my only option due to the opportunity to start with very little money and pray the wins out weigh the loosers...
i have quite a story...but to make a very long story short.....i must succeed...for it will go towards alternative care..for my beautiful girlfriend...I go 24-7 nonstop...so you see..please be for real.....I need your guidance and mentorship...
I will be a great student.
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We design our stock trading systems to ensure maximum performance on each trade. Trading can be tough, and winning can be tougher, but you don't have to trade alone.