Tami Y.

I added more when price dropped. 24.95 gains loving it. You are awesome. Smiley face. Sent from AOL Mobile Mail

ECOB Up 333%

I know... We've been watching it go up up up... But we never got in on any of the action b/c part of our rules for successful trading is not to chase stocks... But man it has been moving...

In The Red.

I am still holding this as I got in at .0022. Since I was waiting on your prediction, I am now stuck with it… I will probally wind up taking a big loss

great customer service

Thanks for sending the updates. This is customer service at its BEST.

Confidence in GPSM

Thank you, thank you, thank you! As I've said before...you are an amazing guy. Wow, someone who actually cares, and takes care of your subscribers.


Hey Will,
How often do you try to find monster runners like NTEK, or FMNA? Just wondering, love these plays like EPAZ, and SSOL, but wouldn't mind holding a month like NTEK and FNMA to get 4 or 5 baggers or more lol.

Totally Worth It

Thanks for the book!!! I appreciate it.
Brad H.

keep it up!

Hey Will, got lucky on this one. I didn't dump my AEGY and bought it at .0016. Sold all at .0034. Not bad for just being too lazy to sell when it pulled back. Keep em coming!!!

Joined The $100,000 challenge

I am excited to start this $100,000 challenge.

I made money using the free alerts

Thank you really glad to have found this newsletter made money using your free picks as well.

Opportunites for High Yielding Small Cap Stocks

Congrats on a good recommendation, Will. Credit where credit is due. :-)
Did you send a txt msg on this sell rec? NOT complaining, but I did not get one if you did. I have been getting texts from you on occasions, so just curious. Again, thank you ---

thanks Will

LGBS---in at .0014---out at .002. Thanks Will!

good picks man

Looks like good picks all the way around. Congrats. I was off-line yesterday. Bad day to be w/o technology! <groan>
Have a good w/e. Hope you can send some winners next week. <grin>

New Sub!!

ya ho i made it.?look forword to reading GPSM . louis

Good Read

Thank You for the ebooks, I am also reading the Online Stock Market Investing, the 20-day guide.

Thanks Will

Thank you William. I downloaded both. Starting with Candlestick patterns. Even though its only 8 pages it's packed with info next to the diagrams. I signed up to your twitter..it's pending. I use my own name. I'm happily surprised that you believe people can make money with just $50.00 as long as you know when to enter and exit.
Thanks again. Best regards.

What I expected!

This pick was amazing!!! This is what we need!!! Thanks for the awesome pick and all the advice about it.
Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPhone

Thank You

Will, I have just subscribed to your newsletter and I look forward to your upcoming picks ready for Monday morning. Thank you for all your time help thus far.

Excellent Tool

You are so right William on your observation of CNBC, I am happy to hear I am not the only one to see this. Thanks

Good Pick Man

good pick... GNIN up to $1.18 a share it's already up since closing yesterday, and with the new news about selling at Whole Foods, is huge..

Great Service

Good free pick on GNIN up to $1.18 now I understand not to put in a stop loss in when I enter the trade but why not after the trade has made some profit? That way the profits are locked in at $1.10 20cents a share better then a loss of 45cents a share.

Fast Response

Hey Big Will! Thanks for the quick reply. Yes with etrade. But I was wondering if there was a GPSM site to log on to. Warm regards,

Thanks For The Wonderful Gifts

Good Morning Big Will!
I hope all is well...
I am missing this morning's pre-market address. I happen to look in the spam folder and it wasn't in there either. Good thing I did because I came upon this email from last month... Thanks again for the wonderful gifts! It may take a while for me to get through though :-)))
I was able to go through the first gift you gave me (Complete guide to Online Stock Market Investing) ... some great info considering it was talking about the UK exchange... I guess your point is that I can use the info and apply it to our local markets. I was able to get a little bit of profit from EXMT but exited too quickly as well as taking some profit from PAMT.
Thanks again! I hope you can help me out with today's pre-market address :-)
Warm regards
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